Starchat Anával
Dóri 2004.08.13. 23:02
a német vivaplus-szon!!
Hey! Ana here! I'm ready to chat...wazzaaaap? Hi Ana, wie gehts? Hey! THank you, I am fine! And you? Was ist dein Lieblingssport? Easy! Snowboarding!! How did you get the chance to sing the Spiderman2 Soundtrack? Uhm, I was at a cruise and met a guy from Columbia Tristar who really liked my music. He asked me if he could use one of my songs for the movie. Wie sieht dein Traummann aus? I don't care so much for looks. The most important thing is that he is down to earth, nice and smart!
Do you have any pets? Nope. But I really want to get a dog. Maybe when I don't travel so much. I love dogs! Hast du 'Spiderman' schon gesehen? Of course! I loved it. Much better than the first one! I have noticed that at the moment many artists come from scandinavia. How do you like that? Well, I haven't noticed that. But If that is the case then I think that is great! Hallo Ana!! Wen würdest du gern mal treffen? Hm...someone Kofi Annan?
How old are you? 26 Wie ist Deutschland? I love Germany! You guys are so sweet and you have so many beautiful cities! Seit wann machst du Musik? I've been singing all my life. Do you like Justin Timberlake I think he is really talented, but it's not really my type of music. He is a fantastic dancer though!
Mit wem würdest du gerne mal ein Duett singen? Good one! I think I'd have to say Bono from U2 or Dave Grohl. Wann gehst du auf Tour? Hopefully as soon as possible. But most likely October or so!Looking forward to it! Ana, you have a great smile! What makes you laugh? Thank you! I dunno. I laugh at a lot of stuff and I love to goof around. Hast du einen Lieblingsfilm? Well, I guess I should say Spiderman2! The Piano is a fantastic movie and I really got into Lord Of The Rings as well.
I heard that you are gonna perform in Austria this saturday, have you ever been to Austria? Yeah, I've been to Austria a few times. Mostly Kitzbuhl for Snowboarding! Wo lebst du zur Zeit? I live in Stockholm, Sweden. Hast du Geschwister? I have one older brother. He's a drummer and we are really close. Ana was ist dein Vorbild in der Musik? I really like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Erykah Badu. What is in your bag when you leave the house? Definately me cellphone, I go nowhere without it.
What is your biggest dream? I'm living my dream right now. I am working with music and I get to travel a lot. The big dream would be to get to do this for the rest of my life! Wurdest du gecastet oder so? Once, four years ago. Didn't like it though! Hey Ana, what job would you do, if you hadn't become a popstar? I'd probably still do something that would involve music in one way or another or maybe advertising. Kannst du auch ein bisschen deutsch sprechen? Ja, ich kann ein bischen verstehen und sprechen.
Was hast du für Hobbys und mit wem würdest du gerne mal einen Song aufnehmen? My hobbies are snowboarding, travelling, climbing. Hanging with friends and family and music of course! Could you imagine singing in a musical? Well, maybe if it was a really cool rock musical! Hast du einen Freund?? Yes! Do you like shopping? No, I don't like shopping.
Was hältst du von Hip-Hop? I think some of it is good and some of it is crap. I was into Hip Hop a lot when I was younger, like Ice Cube, Ice-T, EPMD etc. Hi where do you get the ideas for your songs from? From day to day stuff actually. It can be a phrase or a subject that really affects me. Or maybe something that happened in the past. It's all different. Stimmt es, dass du richtig gut im Snowboarden bist?! Yup! I'm big-time into snowboarding...I used to compete full time when I was younger. Now I only get to go a few days a year.
Wie kommt dein Umfeld damit klar, dass du ein Star bist? They are really happy for me. My parents went to visit me in Norway this week to see me perform there. That was really sweet of them I thought! Do you like Avril Lavigne? I think she's ok atually. I really liked her song: Losing Grip! Hast du einen schwedischen Lieblingsstar? ABBA oder so? No, not really. I'd have to say Promoe on that one. Would you like to play on rock festivals? I would LOVE to play a rock festivals. Festivals are the best thing invented! Would you ever do bungeejumping? Yes I've done that actually and I really liked so I would absolutely do it again. I also wanna sky dive!
Was ist dein alkohlisches Lieblingsgetränk und dein Lieblingsessen? I like red wine. And also really coooold beer, and chamagne of course! (now I sound like an alcoholic!) Favourite food? Anything Thai or Sushi! Which instruments do you play? I play the guitar a little bit! Lebst du schon immer in Schweden? Ich mag dieses Land sehr, du auch? I'm born and raised in Sweden! What do you think of jazz? Some jazz is really good...I don't fancy the old trad-jazz so much. I used to be a member of a jazz club 6 years ago actually. Hast du wirklich Angst vor Spinnen? I hate spiders and have nightmares about them every now and then!
Warst du schon einmal in der Schweiz? Yes, I was there once, but for a very short time, just over a day so I really didn't get to see much. Seems like a wonderful country though Which car do you actually drive? Um, well my car broke down. So right now I don't have a car. But I LOVE BMW's, that's not what I had though! The car that broke down was an old FIAT that my mom had given me! How many songs do have already written so far? Too many to remember but probably about 100! Isst du Fleisch? Nope, I don't! I only eat Fish and bird.
Hast du ein Tatoo oder ein Piercing? Nope. I had my navel pierced many years ago, but I took it out when everyone else started doing it and showed it off in short t-shirts. I don't even have my ears pierced! What should the Germans learn from the Swedish? I don't think you guys need to learn anything from us, you are great the way you are! When is your new single going to be available? Well, the single 'We Are' is out now, so you can get that. The album is out on August 2nd and is called 'The way I am'. How would you describe your clothing style? Street mixed with vintage!
Do you want children? Yeah I do, but not now. I still feel like a kid myself so I think I have to grow up first. Have you ever read the Spinderman comic? Nope. My brother did when he was younger! Auf was für Konzerten warst du bis jetzt? The last one was Stevie Wonder 2 weeks ago in Sweden What is your favourite song from your album? 'We Are' is one of them, 'Don't cry for pain'and 'Now its gone'.
Warst du gut in der schule? I was a pretty good student actually, but I was really sick of school when I was in high school. Bist du religiös. Gehst du öfters in die Kirche, wenn du Zeit hast? No, not at all actually. I'm not baptised nor confirmed. I beliveve in somehitng but it cannot be assembeled under one religion. Wann kommt dein Album raus? On the 2nd of August Do you like punk music? Yeah, some of it. The Clash, some American bands. what do you think of German men?
The one's I have met have been very sweet. How do you like Halloween? Yeah, I think it's a really fun thing. When I was in the States me and my friends would dress up and go trick or treating. It's fun! Do you like pizza? Sometimes, but not too often! I like pizza with chicken, peanuts and banana. Hey Ana, who is your favourite German artist? Laith Al Deen, I got to perform with his band on a cruise once. He's really nice. Good bye everyone!! Nice chatting with you!
Köln, 29. Juli 2004